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Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil'
  • Member for 10 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 6 years ago
What is the scope of this site?
I don't see a connection between this site and Culture/Recreation. Mind you, Politics is classified there, so there's a precedent for interpreting that category in weird ways — I think the name of that category doesn't correspond to what it's intended to cover. Life/Arts is marginal, this site is about the sociological aspects of communication, not about the artistic aspects. Professional is applicable to a large part of the site: moderation and community management are professional activities, even though they're often practiced by volunteers.
Should we change our name to make implicit that our scope goes beyond mere moderation?
@AirThomas Who do you mean by “community leaders”? To take the example of Stack Exchange sites, there are invariably community leaders who aren't ♦moderators, and fairly often ♦moderators who aren't much more than janitors.
Should we change our name to make implicit that our scope goes beyond mere moderation?
@AirThomas I don't see how “community building” emphasizes leadership roles, quite the contrary. For example, “community building exercises” are all about getting the grunts to feel involved.
Should we change our name to make implicit that our scope goes beyond mere moderation?
What's so special about moderation that it gets the emphasis, and that communities that don't see themselves as moderated are excluded? Is a chess club moderated? Why is ‘Can still be abbreviated "mod.SE"’ not in the cons section?
Should we have a "this is a request for external resources" close reason?
@Braiam It depends. The case in question here was solving a task with software, so that's what I dealt with in my answer. In a nutshell, “where can I find X?” is not suitable for SE, whereas “how do I do X?” is.
What should our logo and site design look like?
I don't want to project a janitorial image. This site is about community building. Moderation is just one aspect (and a poor choice of name, which we must not emphasize with matching imagery).
What should our logo and site design look like?
That blog post is obsolete. We've been badgering Stack Exchange to get it updated, but unfortunately, in vain. Site design will be made by a professional when the site graduates from beta (months or years from now) and this thread will have very little influence if any. The Real Essential Questions of Every Beta is a good overview of how betas really work.
Are mailing lists on-topic?
I don't see why they wouldn't be. Why would this site limit itself to communities that communicate over a protocol based on HTTP?