As I see it, the site is currently operating under the broad scope of being "for community managers, administrators, and moderators". [\[1\]][1] In addition to that, we also accept questions from a user's point of view. [\[2\]][2] 

We focus on the **community building** aspect, not just moderation of such a community, across multiple platforms [\[3\]][3] and try not to focus on the technical portion of specific platforms [\[4\]][4], but that doesn't mean that technical details can't be provided as part of the answer [\[5 (disclaimer, this is my answer)\]][5]. 

We also attempt to provide broader answers and not focus on any specific platform [\[6\]][6]. This does not mean that there can not be questions *about* specific platforms, but we do try to keep the questions applicable across various communities. 

Through all of this, we recognize that we are a more subjective Stack Exchange site and there isn't necessarily one answer to a problem. We do try to limit discussions though, as other subjective exchanges are doing. [\[7\]][7]
