I want to ask this question: **Which donating service should I use for my blog?** Moreover, I want to have an opinion about my claim makes in [the proposal of Blogging](https://area51.meta.stackexchange.com/a/21797/110971). I'm sorry that I didn't ask you first :( I think such questions are on-topic here, based on the [What topics can I ask about here?][1]: >Creating, expanding, and cultivating communities, their content, and the relationships among members. This includes things like attracting new people with advertising, **get more contributions from members**, moderating your moderators, or just making your community grow as a whole. If *contributing* means money or knowledge, then I think my first question is on-topic. But it's not clear for me that any question about blogging will be good here. [1]: https://communitybuilding.stackexchange.com/help/on-topic