Stack Exchange sites that have graduated can add *community ads* to the rotation of ads shown on the front page (that place where you sometimes see ads for random other SE sites).  These ads are voted on by members of their communities, and if enough voters agree that the ad would be welcome on their site, it's added.

Over on Worldbuilding we've had [some success]( advertising our community to members of other SE sites.  I suggest that we do that too.

On [this question]( I asked which sites are our strongest candidates for this -- what other sites have users who might also be interested in aspects of community-building?  So far the suggestions have included:

- Arqade (gaming), because this often involves people running game servers)
- Workplace, because of the interpersonal/group aspects
- Security
- Game Design
- <s>Cognitive Science</s> (but they're in beta so we can't yet, oops)

On Worldbuilding we were able to make one ad that works on all the sites we've pitched it to, but that might not work here -- we might need custom ads for some of these sites to make the connection more clear.

Here's the required format for ad submissions:

> **Image requirements**  
> The image that you create must be 220 x 250 pixels  
> Must be hosted through our standard image uploader (imgur)  
> Must be GIF or PNG No animated GIFs  
> Absolute limit on file size of 150 KB
> All answers should be in the exact form of:
>> `[![Tagline to show on mouseover][1]][2]`
>>   `[1]: http://image-url    [2]: http://clickthrough-url`  

The link should usually be to our main site, but consider whether linking to specific tags or specific questions would be appropriate for some ads.

I suggest that we use this question to collect ad designs that we might submit elsewhere.  Please use one answer per design and indicate what site(s) you think it would be good for.  Please don't feel limited by the list above; if you can think of another *graduated* SE site whose users would welcome our ad, please propose it.

(My own graphics skills are at the level of "my red freehand circles usually aren't *too* wobbly", so I'm not going to be much help with that.)

Let's get ourselves some publicity.  Can you help?