Tag taxonomy is hard, and no new site I've been part of has gotten it right on the first try. That's normal. We've now been in beta for a few months and have started to build up a hodge-podge of tags. **This question is not about the details of specific tags**; it grew out of [this question about tag wikis](https://communitybuilding.meta.stackexchange.com/q/1249/83). Instead, in this question I'd like to focus on the overall philosophy that guides our tagging, so that it's easier to understand the tag set as a whole, figure out how to create new tags, and explain it to newcomers. What *types* or *families* of tags do we want? What are the most important things to call out in tags? (Related: https://communitybuilding.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/116/what-tagging-guidelines-do-we-want-to-establish.)