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Andy Mod
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I have a few ideas about the promotion of the site, but I haven't spoken with the other moderators or with a CM to know if they are feasible yet. I'll list them here though to get some feedback. Be warned, these are very early ideas and haven't been vetted by anyone for feasibility. This is just me throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. Hopefully they generate some spark in someone else though for other ideas on what we can do to grow this community.

Idea One

Internal advertisements on Stack Exchange. Stack Overflow has the Open Source Advertising for open source projects. Obviously we aren't a software project, but maybe it'd be possible to get an ad in there for Moderators (or whatever name we change it to). I could see this being useful for other struggling Betas too. If I were to propose this on Meta, I'd also make the qualification that this type of ad would be more appropriate for "struggling" betas, not ones that are meeting their metrics toward graduation. My hope would be that this reduces that number of beta ads displayed. The downsize to SE would be that they are advertising sites internal to their network instead of showing an ad that someone paid for. This type of system is utilized on Reddit, where specific subreddits can advertise their own little corner in the larger Reddit ecosystem.

Idea Two

External Advertising (on a limited scale). I have mentioned Moderators.SE in a few external message boards (where appropriate, obviously), but I think a small ad campaign may help too. Much like the suggestion above for internal ads, I think a targeted campaign on Reddit (or similar) may be benefitial.

Idea Three

Many of us are moderators somewhere. We've all hit problems that we had to get through. What were those problems and how did you solve them? Ask a question and give a self answer. The benefit of this is that we get more questions and it provides and opportunity for someone else to present their perspective. Many of the problems we've encountered aren't that unique. Someone else has had a very similar problem and they may have solved it completely differently.

Andy Mod
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