I've only been looking at the questions on the main site for a few minutes, but an awful lot of them seem to be geared toward discussion - aka "opinion-based" questions. Most of them start with "How to deal with...".
- how do deal with X bahavior
- how to deal with a user who ....
- etc.
I realize of course that for moderators, there's little that's more immediate than the need to determine the best way to deal with a problem user/behavior/situation. But these are generally opinion-based, and really just straw-poll questions.
I also realize that various StackExchange sites have guidelines for what makes a good subjective/bad subjective question, and different lines on what's "opinion-based". Do we have a feel for that here, and if not, can we focus on that as an important step in ensuring this site fits the StackExchange model and eventually graduates?
I'd think that for the moderators.se site, there will be a necessity to lean toward allowing "how to deal with..." questions. I'd just like to get the guideline clarified early on.